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The global forum on the  » ingenious material wood «

On  wooddialog.com  all companies active in the wood industry, architects, organizations and service providers for the timber industry can present their existing and future projects that have been or will be realized entirely or predominantly with the sustainable high-performance material wood. This can be done through posts, photos / images, videos, interviews, podcasts etc.

Through its diverse and high-quality contributions,  woodDialog.com  will be an authoritative forum communicating all the facets of wood in the most diverse forms and contexts. Companies "showcasing" here will raise market and brand awareness and as a result will attract new clients and cooperation partners. And, not insignificant, broad acceptance for new solutions can be created. Consumers will receive well-founded decision bases and are impressively convinced that who builds on wood, does himself and the environment a lot of good.

»  Main topics will include: